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    Digital Marketing Blog

    Looking for industry know-how, sharp insights and practical advice? You’re in the right place!

    In our blogs, we share the latest on what’s hot and what’s not in the online world. We tackle challenges and share strategies. New tools and extensions, tags, URLs and Google updates: we cover it all so you can get up to SEO speed!

    Showing 171 articles going back 12 years

    Twitter Tips for Business

    How to Master Tweeting to Market your Business – Nothing divides opinion more in the world of social media than Twitter. Whereas other social media accounts such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Google + seem to be straight forward and simple in comparison, Twitter may appear to the initiated to use rules and posting regulations that…

    Why Has Google Panda hit my website?

    Google Panda has been with us now for over three years. The original goal of the algorithm was to filter out websites that offer thin and unsubstantial content. Many hoped that the websites to be hit would be those whose very existence depended on the constant drivel supplied by supposed writers simply putting up articles…

    Top WordPress SEO plugins to optimise your WordPress websites

    WordPress is an excellent platform for small start-up websites. Ultra simple to set up, they really can – as it says on the “packet” – be installed in 5 minutes. If you just need a simple blog, you have all the necessary functions at your finger-tips and by adding a few pages you can really…

    Latest News on the Penguin 3.0 Update!

    Yes it looks like that Penguin is back after a very low profile for over a year. Once again Google has sent chills down the spines of all business website owners and internet consultants as the latest update was rolled out in the last week of October. Unlike other updates Penguin 3.0 has been given…

    Essential on-page SEO tips for 2015

    As technology advances every day, new devices become mainstream, popular internet social media channels become hot marketing channels and Google continues to change its algorithms to heighten the quality of sites in the search results, there is a real need for the professional SEO or website owner to update their marketing toolbox on a regular…

    Ecommerce Conversions – Optimising payment areas should be paramount

    In order to encourage website visitors to become customers, organisations spend a great deal of time and energy optimising their home page, about us page, and services and products pages. But the fact is if your website has an ecommerce element, maximising for conversions for these pages is only getting your potential client chomping at…

    Improving Mobile Website Conversions

    Enhance conversions through your mobile website For some time now business owners have been only too aware of the necessity to ensure their online presence can be effectively seen on all the new devices such as iPads, laptops, tablets and mobiles. However, with the desktop website often considered the main resource for conversions, the mobile…