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    Showing 171 articles going back 12 years
    Christmas Gifts

    Christmas Ecommerce Strategy

    Having a robust ecommerce strategy in place ahead of the Holiday season has never been more important than it is in 2020. In a year where online Christmas shopping is set to reach record highs, and with competition more aggressive than ever, understanding how you can leverage online shopping to your advantage is vital to…

    Ecommerce Shopping

    Ecommerce Digital Marketing During COVID-19

    COVID-19’s Impact on the E-Commerce Sector as a Whole I think it would be safe to say that almost every person who comes across this blog will have purchased at least one item online that they perhaps would, pre-Covid, not have required, found, or, that they would have traditionally bought in a bricks and mortar…

    Use Analytics Data to Redesign Your Website

    If you’re planning to redesign your website, you’ll want to improve usability and get an attractive new design that will impress your customers. But you can’t rely on guesswork. It’s much more sensible to use data from your current website’s analytics to guide the redesign process, which will ensure your new website is a big…

    Get More from Site Search Function to Boost Your Sales

    Do you have a site search function on your website? If so, there’s a good chance that you are not making full use of it – especially if you run a store of any kind. Internal site search is incredibly useful for your visitors because it helps them to find whatever they need quickly and…

    7 Smart Ways to Use Chatbots on Your Website

    Chatbots have been cropping up more and more in recent years. But what was originally a fun and quirky gimmick has now turned into a genuinely useful and compelling marketing tool. Businesses of all sizes are using chatbots for a wide range of purposes. So how can you use chatbots for your own website? Here…

    Content Mapping: What It Is and How to Do It

    If you want to boost your SEO, you need to start with content. That’s something you’ve probably heard before. The challenge for many businesses is regularly creating the right sort of content that provides value to your target audience. This is where the idea of content mapping comes into play. Content mapping is nothing new,…

    How to Use Google Analytics to Find New Customers

    Google Analytics is an essential tool for any marketer. If you run any kind of online business, or you have a website of any kind, signing up for a Google Analytics account should be high on your list of priorities. This free analytics tool shows you exactly what is happening on your website. While it’s…

    SEO vs CRO: How to Ensure You Get the Best of Both Worlds

    Read any article on conversion rate optimisation (CRO), and you’re going to read something about popups – those forms that appear out of nowhere when you’re browsing a website and ask for your email address in return for something of value like a free report. Popups are everywhere right now, and the reason for this is that…

    How to Track Your Phone Calls: 5 Solutions for Your Business

    If you generate sales through your business website, you’ll be keen to track your conversions and find out where your customers are coming from. But while this is easy when it comes to online conversions like direct sales and lead-capture forms, what happens if you get a significant amount of new business over the phone?…

    How Customer Reviews Help Your SEO & Conversion Rates

    Customer reviews have become increasingly important over recent years. These days, when people want to research a product, service or business, they seek out third-party reviews as part of their research. This Black Friday and Cyber Monday, millions of shoppers across the world no doubt used reviews to help them make decisions about which products…

    Common Causes for a Website Not Converting?

    You’re directing plenty of traffic to your site, perhaps through the effective SEO strategy you’ve got up and running. But the sales are still not coming. As well as directing targeted traffic to your website, you also need to convert that traffic. If that’s not happening, you could be making one of these common mistakes….

    Web Design Trends for 2017 and Beyond

    Web design is constantly evolving as new trends come along and old ideas go out of fashion. As conversion specialists, we pay a lot of attention to developments in web design. While not designers ourselves, design elements play an important role in conversion rate optimisation, so it’s important to know what’s going on. Here are…

    Create Your Own Images to Boost Social Media Interaction

    If you are active on social media, you’ll already know how important images are. Images stand out and get noticed far more than text updates, especially on a site like Facebook that is very visual. One of the great problems for businesses using social media is coming up with a constant supply of attractive and…

    5 Simple Design Rules that Increase Landing Page Conversions

    If you have set up a landing page for a lead-generation campaign and you want to increase conversions, there are many factors to consider. Some of the most important of these relate to the design of the page. Here are five design rules that you should stick to if you want to boost your conversions….

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