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    5 Simple Home Page Improvements You Can Make Today


    15th June 2017

    For most businesses, the home page is probably the most important page on your website. It’s the first page that many potential customers see, and its role is to draw users into the website to find what they are looking for. If your home page is in need of a revamp, here are five steps…


    1. Make Your Primary Benefit Clear
    2. Tell Your Visitors What to Do
    3. Make It About Your Visitor
    4. Use a Distinctive Tone
    5. Add Testimonials and Reviews
    6. Give Your Home Page Some Love

    For most businesses, the home page is probably the most important page on your website. It’s the first page that many potential customers see, and its role is to draw users into the website to find what they are looking for.

    If your home page is in need of a revamp, here are five steps you can take that will help you get more from it.

    Make Your Primary Benefit Clear

    Many businesses use a home page that rambles on about welcoming people to the site. Instead of doing this, get to the point.

    A quick welcome is fine, but then make sure you get down to details and focus on the benefits that you provide.

    Turn your primary benefit into your main headline so that it’s the first thing visitors see. Position it above the fold, and don’t take up valuable space with a big picture that does not tell the visitor anything.

    Remember that your visitors are looking for something. They have a problem they are trying to solve. Your home page should make it very clear that you can solve that problem for them.

    Tell Your Visitors What to Do

    A clear CTA will help to direct your visitors when they land on your home page, and it makes it easier for them to take a specific action. However, because this is not a landing page, there is rarely one specific action to take.

    Instead, think about what you want them to do. This could be to download your ebook, sign up to your list or shop in your store. Decide on your goal and make this the main focus.

    But offer different options. This is the hub page, after all, so provide clear options for shopping in your store, finding out about your team, getting in touch, reading your blog posts and more. Make it easy for your visitors to carry out the action they want to.

    Make It About Your Visitor

    Focus on the visitor and what they want to achieve, not on your company and how great you are.

    Talk about your story on your About page and have a separate page for your team members. But the home page should primarily focus on the challenges that you help your customers to overcome.

    Use a Distinctive Tone

    Because the home page is often the first place that people arrive, it’s important to hit the right tone. This is important throughout your website and marketing materials, but it’s especially important on your home page.

    What type of business are you? Who are you targeting? Are you fun and friendly? Serious? Down to earth? Energetic?

    Add a human touch, like a message from the founder, which helps to build trust the moment someone lands on your home page.

    Add Testimonials and Reviews

    Social proof is a big thing when it comes to building trust and persuading your prospects to do business with you. The easiest way to add social proof is to use testimonials.

    Simply pick a few of your best and add them to your home page along with the name of the person giving them, and their photo if possible. A video testimonial is even better.

    Add some awards you’ve got, show off how many people sign up to your newsletter, how many customers you’ve helped, how much you have made your customers.

    This is all good social proof that should be front and centre on your home page.

    Give Your Home Page Some Love

    If it’s been a while since you’ve made any changes to your home page, look over it today and see if you could be doing anything better.

    It may be that you can simply change your headline or add some testimonials to give it an instant boost. Or you might want to make some large-scale changes.

    Don’t neglect your home page. It has an important role to play, and minor improvements can make a big difference to your website’s performance.

    As a specialist digital marketing agency consisting of a number of highly experienced digital consultants, Web Results Direct is expertly placed to support its clients with advanced, and strategic, digital marketing consulting services. To learn more contact us – call us now on 01483 429222.

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